
5 Things To Do For A More Successful Craft Show

Do you do craft shows? Are you thinking about doing craft shows?  You should because being a vendor is such a fun way to not only sell your products, but to network and get your business name out there.  There are so many things you can do to draw in more customers to your booth and make more sales.  My latest craft show was my most successful by far, even though my booth location left much to be desired!  After my successful weekend, I really thought about what I did differently this time to make so many more sales than before.  I came up with a list of 5 things that helped me stand out and make more sales: 1. Perfecting your prices: There are many formulas online to help you price your handmade goods, and this is very important to consider so that you actually make a profit from your items.  Usually the formulas are somethings like 2(hourly rate + 2(profit))=retail price.  From there you can raise the price in order to achieve the profit margin you desire.  That being said, if you

Metal-Stamped Spoon Necklaces

If you love metal-stamping, you should definitely try it on vintage silver-plated spoons!  Once flattened, they are easy to stamp on and they offer lots of room for stamping your favorite words and quotes.  They also make great gifts for loved ones because you can truly customize them to your heart's desire!  Here are a few examples of the pendants that I have made: Here are the steps to creating your own custom spoon necklace: Flatten the spoon: I flatten my spoons with a small sledgehammer and I use a scrap piece of fabric or an old t-shirt to protect the spoon from scratches.  I suggest doing this on an area of concrete that won't get destroyed by the sledgehammer.  In my case, although I would love the convenience of flattening the spoons in the garage, I take my box of spoons out to the curb of the road and flatten them there.  I cover the front and back of my spoon with the fabric (sometimes doubled up for extra protection) and begin hammering th

Transforming My 'Recently Acquired' Dress Form!

I love dress forms, especially vintage ones!  They are so beautiful in an old-fashioned way.  Recently, I have been on the hunt for a vintage dress form to add to my craft show display and use for photos, etc.  At my latest craft show, I kept my eyes peeled.  First of all, the craft shows that I do are called Forever Vintage Markets, and they are not your average craft shows!  Actually, a majority of the vendors do not even sell crafts but rather vintage items.  Depending on where you live, you might call these vendors "pickers" or "junkers."  There are still vendors like me who sell handmade items, but in order to be accepted into the show, your items and overall booth theme need to fit in with the mood of the show.  So when I say I was looking for a dress form at a craft show, you know that it was an actual possibility that the vendors would sell them. I came across about 4-5 dress forms while I was walking around pre-show opening.  Most of these dress forms tho

The meaning behind "Curiouser Creations"

Many people that I meet at craft shows and elsewhere ask about my business name, "Curiouser Creations," so I'm sure you are wondering too!   One of my all time favorite books and movies is Alice in Wonderland. I have always been a huge fan of the imaginative, creative, and crazy story! My baby shower was Alice in Wonderland themed and the decorations were vintage-looking candelabras, teapots as flower vases, card garlands, doilies, and even the favors were vintage teacups with candy inside! My daughters nursery was Alice themed as well. So yeah, I'm a little obsessed.    Therefore, when it came time to give my jewelry-making business a name (and ultimately my YouTube channel, Instagram, and this blog), I decided to take inspiration from Alice. One of the most famous quotes that Alice says is "Curiouser and Curiouser!" And that is where my name, Curiouser Creations, comes from. I love that it has to do with Alice, it is quirky, and has alli

Welcome to Curiouser Creations!

Hello artsy people! With this first quick post, I would simply like to introduce myself and give you an idea of what this blog will be about.  My name is Kayla and I am currently a stay-at-home-mom to a wonderful and brilliant 2-year-old daughter and I have another child on the way.  My amazing, hard-working husband has his own custom homes construction and rental company.  I am a certified secondary ed teacher, and before having children I taught Latin and Social Studies at the High School level.  I have always been a creative person, from singing to painting to card-making and to jewelry-making, I have a serious passion to create! When I decided to stay home with my child, I knew that I needed a creative outlet to keep me sane.  I had been making jewelry for fun and for gifts for a long time, but I decided to take it a little more seriously and I began to sell my creations at craft shows, on Etsy, on Facebook, and I began a YouTube channel (