Welcome to Curiouser Creations!

Hello artsy people! With this first quick post, I would simply like to introduce myself and give you an idea of what this blog will be about.  My name is Kayla and I am currently a stay-at-home-mom to a wonderful and brilliant 2-year-old daughter and I have another child on the way.  My amazing, hard-working husband has his own custom homes construction and rental company.  I am a certified secondary ed teacher, and before having children I taught Latin and Social Studies at the High School level.  I have always been a creative person, from singing to painting to card-making and to jewelry-making, I have a serious passion to create!

When I decided to stay home with my child, I knew that I needed a creative outlet to keep me sane.  I had been making jewelry for fun and for gifts for a long time, but I decided to take it a little more seriously and I began to sell my creations at craft shows, on Etsy, on Facebook, and I began a YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqxyleoiRnV8ukEMCcni0tA).  Now I am going to add a blog to the mix as another outlet for my creative passion.

On this blog you will find content about jewelry making, metal-stamping, art, craft shows, and an overall artistic lifestyle.


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