The meaning behind "Curiouser Creations"

Many people that I meet at craft shows and elsewhere ask about my business name, "Curiouser Creations," so I'm sure you are wondering too!


One of my all time favorite books and movies is Alice in Wonderland. I have always been a huge fan of the imaginative, creative, and crazy story! My baby shower was Alice in Wonderland themed and the decorations were vintage-looking candelabras, teapots as flower vases, card garlands, doilies, and even the favors were vintage teacups with candy inside! My daughters nursery was Alice themed as well. So yeah, I'm a little obsessed. 


Therefore, when it came time to give my jewelry-making business a name (and ultimately my YouTube channel, Instagram, and this blog), I decided to take inspiration from Alice. One of the most famous quotes that Alice says is "Curiouser and Curiouser!" And that is where my name, Curiouser Creations, comes from. I love that it has to do with Alice, it is quirky, and has alliteration. 

So, if you are just starting a jewelry or craft business, come up with a name that will inspire you for years to come! The name "Curiouser Creations" definitely inspires me to make things that I am passionate about, to always try new things, to have fun creating, and not take things too seriously!

“Curiouser and curiouser!” Cried Alice (she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English). 


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